29 juli 2021

The more I live, the more I find myself to be a product of my environment.

I've been interested in this idea from Plato, which I'm not sure I understood correctly. In Republic, I believe they talk about everyone having a divine set of purposes, which everyone should act out to the best of their ability. Something that's given to you at birth.

It's so strange, there's so much criticism on this work, it's weird and old, but this fact still resonates with me.

Is it a property of lower class people to hold the view that things are just the way they are? Do we just need a vision? I really enjoy wittgenstein. He and epictetus, perhaps Nietzsche too, are examples of embodying their own philosphies. Acting out their ideals. Living 'em. This, I really like and look up to. Do I dedicate myself to Truth? This to me, more than anything, seems like a noble venture. Whatever this actually means.

I don't think I'm a disruptor. I'm a synthesist. I hate these labels though, because you and I both know that I don't like to cap human potential, and infinite potential we are able to live up to. There are a million different lives still unlived.

I'm drifting back to last night. It seems- I'm really not sure- Maybe I'm just good at acting. Do I have no self-respect? What does acting that out mean? If I could defend myself, I'd say I'm trying out multiple ways of expression to see what fits me. Lol, is this- no it isn't. Anyway, shifting on different levels, remember? Got it memorized?

I'll leave you here.

Plant guy.