26 juli 2021

Oi, Plant Man here.

So, what's taking so long? I think I've waited like, 2 hours??

Everyone just keeps moving, moving, moving. How do they do it? Are you moving too? When I look around, all seems in stasis in my world. It's just filled with mirrors, everything reflecting everything. Tiring is what it is.

Well, I need to confess. I secretly really love reflections. Can I share a passion of mine? I've been really into how mirrors and curved glass distort visual images. The refraction of light and reflections really fascinate me. In the literal sense, I mean. I'm starting to feel like, I'm more of a mirror than a man. I'm honestly even doubting my - well no, not that.

Ok. So, everyone is just doing their thing. The world is inching forward into the abyss as it does. Should I be pushing a rock up a hill? I feel like if I do find a superficiality to bend myself over, will that not just be another superficiality? Is there anything outside of practicalities I can add? Do you ever think about this kind of stuff? What are you adding, what are you subtracting?

I like the idea of editing more with writing, as opposed to music. With music, you need to change a million different things. With writing, you just edit a word. Well - perhaps contexts do shift when you change words in writing. I feel like with music, I create some interesting idea, in the beginning, then let it drone on for ages, and then quit the idea because I'm sick of it. I don't explore the options, since my playing is quite limited, so I repeat the same pathways again and again.

Anyway, I'm waffling on again. But I'm not hearing anything from your end, are you still there?

I often think I'm being followed. When I pace a bit quicker and glance over my shoulder, it's almost always just my shadow following me...

